Conflict Resolution Strategies for Security Guards

When you are working as a security guard, you know that dealing with conflict is part of the job. How you handle those tense situations will make all the difference. Whether it's an angry customer or a dispute between employees, keeping the peace is important. In this article, we will explore practical conflict resolution strategies to add to your toolkit.  You can defuse arguments and maintain control of chaotic situations with the right techniques. 

We'll cover everything from active listening to compromise solutions so you can become a true master of mediation. You work hard to protect people, it's time to equip yourself with the soft skills to protect the peace.

Understanding the Types of Conflicts Security Guards Face

Conflicts with Coworkers

While working as a security guard, you will likely spend a lot of time with your coworkers. Personality clashes and disagreements are bound to happen. You should always remain professional and focus on the task at hand. If a conflict arises while on duty, you should stay calm and maturely explain your perspective to the other guard. Compromise when you can, and get a supervisor involved if needed.

Conflicts with Clients or Visitors

You may have to deal with angry or disrespectful people at some point. Do not take the bait or respond with aggression. You can politely ask the person to remain civil and warn them of the consequences if they continue to be disruptive. Your job is to de-escalate the situation through respect, empathy and assertive communication.

Physical Confrontations

You should avoid physical confrontation as much as you can. In case of danger to life, you should always call the police. You may face dangerous situations when physical force is necessary to protect a life. Follow your training for handling physical aggression. Work as a team with fellow guards to gain control of the situation, restrain the perpetrator and contact the authorities. Review and report any incidents to improve future responses.

With the variety of people and scenarios you'll encounter as a security guard, you need to be prepared for many types of conflicts. But by relying on your training, keeping a level head and taking a constructive approach, you can resolve most issues and ensure the safety of all involved. Staying vigilant and composed under pressure will serve you well in this role. 

A security guard should only use physical force if it's the only option left to protect a life. These are just general guidelines, and you should refer to your security guard training or use of force training course for more detailed information.

Verbal De-Escalation Techniques for Security Guards

For a security guard, his words are the most powerful tool. Knowing how to verbally de-escalate tense situations is crucial to ensure safety for all involved.

Stay calm and composed

Losing your cool will only make the situation worse. Take deep breaths and remain calm. Respond in a courteous, respectful tone. Your body language and facial expressions should match your words.

Listen actively and acknowledge concerns

Pay close attention to the other person and acknowledge their concerns. You can say something like, “I understand why you feel that way.” Let them know you're listening before trying to resolve the issue.

Keep your distance

Give the other person some physical space. Don't crowd them or make sudden movements. Respect their personal space while still maintaining a safe distance for yourself as well.

Speak slowly, clearly and respectfully

Express yourself in a slow, gentle, polite manner. Avoid aggression or accusation. Say please, thank you, excuse me. Make eye contact and try to keep your tone even.

Find common ground and compromise

Look for shared interests or values and build upon them. Be willing to negotiate to reach an agreement that satisfies everyone. Ask open-ended questions to make sure any solutions address the root cause of their concerns.

Don't engage in physical confrontation. If you feel genuinely threatened or unsafe, call 911 and ask for police assistance right away. You may also alert your security dispatch and ask for backup officers to help defuse the situation in a safe manner. The top priorities are avoiding violence and protecting people. So don't hesitate to call for help.

Following these strategies can help resolve confrontations in a peaceful and responsible way. 

Maintaining Professionalism During Confrontations

As a security professional, you must remain calm during tense situations. Do not engage in insults even if provoked. Respond in a polite and respectful manner, and always avoid aggression.

When confronted, focus on diffusing the situation through respectful communication. Explain your position clearly and listen to the other person to understand their perspective. You may find common ground and a resolution by staying open-minded. If tensions continue to escalate, call for backup or contact the authorities as needed. Do not put yourself or others in danger by handling an aggressive person alone.


You see, there are many ways for security guards like yourself to resolve conflicts effectively. It all comes down to staying calm, being respectful, following protocol, and knowing when to ask for help. With the right conflict resolution strategy, you can maintain safety and order while also keeping your cool. 

These are general guidelines; for detailed information, refer to your security guard training or use of force training course.
